Thursday, September 1, 2011

Around the shop

I'm off to Japan next week for a  couple of weeks. I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to post anything here while I'm away - but I will definitely have some photos and stories when I get back.
From  9th - 28th September the shop will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10 am - 2pm. Many thanks to Chris and Mel for keeping it open for me.
Today I'm just posting some shots from around the shop....


  1. Dear Jan
    I,m just looking at the book at the top, I have two books that look like this one, you see I cann't read Japanese so they would I suppose look alike, any how the books I have are for kasuri pattern designs that would have hung outside a tailors/ weavers shop 100yrs ago in Japan, along with these I have about 50 cards with various weaving(swathches) on for costomers to choose from they are just magic to look at and dream
    of the people who looked then ordered from them.

  2. It's a very common style of book - especially for commercial records. I wonder if your book was an old accounts book (or similar) that was re-used as a sample book or if it has only had that one use. It was common for old books to be re-used as sample books (shimacho). Anyway your book and sample cards sound great.

    1. Dear Jan
      The two books I have, have drawn pattern designs in them with instructions on how to weave the patterns,
      and also swatches of the designs stuck onto most pages.
      the cards have approx 10 swatches per page to choose
      from, they are a delight to me.and all i have ever shown them to
      So kind of you to reply to my comments
